Walnut Creek Plastic Surgery
When you make Dr. Christian Kirman your partner in beauty, you are putting your trust in the right practice. Whether you seek answers to post-operative questions, are curious about our services, or need help visualizing the possibilities for creating your best self, we are prepared to provide you with the utmost care and personal attention.
We know the decision to undergo aesthetic enhancements is highly personal and, at times, overwhelming. Procedures are comprehensive and options are vast. Education is vital.
Dr. Kirman is a board-certified Walnut Creek plastic surgeon sought-after for his specialized expertise in breast reconstruction, breast augmentation and body contouring. He is a standout in the field for his heartfelt commitment to personal care. Described as compassionate, approachable, meticulous and a thoughtful listener, his patient base has been gained entirely through word-of-mouth. We consider this the ultimate testament to his skill.
Dr. Kirman is the cosmetic surgeon in Walnut Creek that can help you take the first step in the right direction toward achieving your beauty goals. We hope this information will empower you to make the best possible cosmetic decisions and we encourage you to visit our plastic surgery Walnut Creek office to meet us in person. Our attentive and highly trained staff is committed to the highest standards of quality.
The experience makes all the difference.
Patient Testimonials
““Doctor Kirman is very caring and attentive. He always returns phone calls personally and finds ways to get me an appointment urgently if needed. I can’t say enough good things about him or his amazing staff.”
“His team is available, responsive and communicative. He is kind, clear and complete in explanation. A great listener. He makes one feel very confident in their decisions.””